Marcello Morvillo

Born in Naples on 23 March 1962, he is married with 2 children. After classical high school diploma, he graduated in Law in Naples with a dissertation on company law. He attended postgraduate courses in the field of taxation and technical-insurance matters, made his forensic experience and became a qualified lawyer in 1989.
Hired by ISVAP in 1990, until 1996 he was charged with off-site supervision and inspections focused on financial and capital issues, thus acquiring knowledge and experience on accounting, economics and finance of insurance undertakings.
Manager and Head of Section at ISVAP since 1 December 1997, he became responsible for units charged with off- and on-site supervision of undertakings pursuing non-life insurance, then with off-site supervision of shareholdings and participations in the insurance market as well as of insurance groups, and later with supervision over groups and single life and non-life undertakings. In the performance of these activities he often collaborated with the other Authorities of the European Economic Area (EEA) and participated in the drafting process of primary and secondary legislation.
From 9 June 2013 to October 2015 he was Deputy Head of IVASS Prudential Supervision Directorate, the department responsible for off-site supervision over stability of all the insurance undertakings with head office in Italy.
Since 30 October 2015 he held the post of Head of the Winding-up Directorate, and was also concerned with issues regarding resolution.
On 16 September 2019 the Sanction Directorate and the Winding up Directorate were merged into a single organisational structure, which was assigned to Marcello Morvillo in his capacity as Head of the Sanction and Winding up Directorate.
During his career he has attended training courses on business and corporate issues, has published articles, collaborated in the drafting of insurance texts and has taken part, as rapporteur, in various conferences.

Last update

24 September 2019