EIOPA guidelines and documents
The Guidelines issued by EIOPA, as third-level measures, are aimed to support convergence in the application of the provisions contained in the Directives.
The Guidelines are subject to a comply / explain mechanism by which the national Supervisory Authority must publicly state whether it intends to comply with the Guidelines or indicate the reasons for not complying.
EIOPA also defines more general provisions on specific topics, not subject to the comply / explain mechanism and aimed to increase convergence of supervisory practices (i.e. Opinions, decisions and protocols of collaboration, results of peer reviews).
Last update
17 November 2023
Solvency II, IDD and relevant Technical Advice
- "Call for Evidence" for an Opinion on sustainability risks and factors within Solvency II (External link)
- EIOPA - EIOPA - Solvency II ITS (External link)
- EIOPA - Solvency II Guidelines (External link)
- EIOPA - Risk-Free Interest Rate Term Structures (External link)
- EIOPA Technical Advice on possible delegated acts concerning the Directive n. 2016/97 on the Insurance Distribution (IDD) pdf 726.4 KB
- EIOPA Draft Implementing Technical Standards on a standardised presentation format for the non-life Insurance Product Information Document pdf 552.0 KB EIOPA draft ITS on IPID pursuant to Art. 20 of the Directive n. 2016/97 (IDD)
- Need for high quality public disclosure: S II's report on solvency and financial condition and the potential role of external audit pdf 68.3 KB
- Preparatory Guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements by insurance undertakings and insurance distributors pdf 130.0 KB
- CEIOPS/CEBS/CESR Guidelines for the prudential assessment of acquisitions & increase of holdings in the financial sector pdf 187.5 KB
Outcome of the Peer Reviews
- EIOPA - Peer Review on supervision of Prudent Person Principle (PPP) pdf 838.7 KB
- EIOPA - Peer Review on collaboration of the insurance supervisory authorities pdf 1.1 MB
- EIOPA - Peer Review on Product Oversight and Governance (POG) pdf 521.9 KB
- EIOPA - Peer Review on propriety of administrative, management or supervisory body members and qualifying shareholders - Excecutive Summary pdf 216.9 KB
- EIOPA - Peer Review on propriety of administrative, management or supervisory body members and qualifying shareholders pdf 722.0 KB
- Eiopa. Peer Review Key Function - Executive Summary pdf 160.2 KB
- Eiopa. Peer Review Key Function pdf 981.2 KB
Opinions and Supervisory Statement
- ESAs - Joint Opinion on the assessment of SFDR pdf 555.8 KB
- EIOPA - Opinion on the supervision of the use of the climate change risk scenarios in ORSA pdf 827.1 KB
- Joint Supervisory Statement of the European Supervisory Authorities on sustainability‐related disclosure in the financial services sector pdf 220.2 KB Press release of 5 March 2021
- EIOPA clarifies supervisory expectations on product oversight and governance requirements in the context of COVID-19 (only in English) pdf 270.2 KB
- EIOPA - Statement on dividends distribution and variable remuneration policies in the context of COVID-19 pdf 430.4 KB
- EIOPA - Update on other measures impacted by COVID-19 pandemic pdf 370.5 KB
- EIOPA - Call to action for insurers and intermediaries to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on consumers pdf 464.5 KB
- EIOPA - Recommendations on supervisory flexibility regarding deadlines of supervisory reporting and public disclosure by insurers - COVID-19 pdf 629.7 KB
- EIOPA - Statement on actions to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on the EU insurance sector pdf 273.1 KB
- ESAs - Guidelines on the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector pdf 463.1 KB
Collaboration between Authorities
- Decision of 10 June 2021 on the collaboration of the Board of Supervisors of the insurance supervisory authorities of the EEA pdf 678.6 KB
- Annex to the Decision of 10 June 2021 on the collaboration of the Board of Supervisors of the insurance supervisory authorities pdf 849.4 KB
- EIOPA Survey on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product - PEPP (only in Italian) pdf 164.9 KB
- Decision of the Board of Supervisors on the cooperation of the competent authorities, based on IDD Directive, with Annex. pdf 580.6 KB
- EIOPA - Decision of the Board of Supervisors on the collaboration of the insurance supervisory authorities pdf 147.6 KB
- EIOPA - Decision of the Board of Supervisors on the collaboration of the insurance Supervisory Authorities - Annex to the Decision pdf 501.4 KB