This section contains the data on the procedures for selecting the contractor and awarding tenders relating to the acquisition of goods and services, undertaken by IVASS in accordance with the provisions of legislative decree n. 36/2023 of 31 March 2023 and the other regulations in this field.
This section represents "the buyer profile" of IVASS and includes the following subsections:
- Procurement Portal: it contains the calls for tender and the documents relating to the award procedures performed through IVASS’ Procurement Portal. Market participants can register directly at the address https://portaleappalti.ivass.it
- Ongoing award procedures: it contains the calls for tender and the documents relating to all the ongoing procedures other than direct award procedures.
- Award procedures concluded: it contains the documents relating to all the award procedures for which the award process has been concluded.
- Market surveys and preliminary consultations: it contains the notices for the selection of the market operators which can be invited to the negotiation procedures not exceeding the Community threshold (as per art. 50 of legislative decree n. 36/2023), as well as the notices of preliminary market consultation (as per art. 77 of legislative decree n. 36/2023).
List of providers
The Regulation establishing the List of providers of goods and services for IVASS has been effective since 2 January 2020.
The List, valid throughout all the Italian territory, subdivided into categories and subcategories of goods, allows for selection of the economic operators be invited to procurement procedures below the EU thresholds, ensuring compliance with the principles of transparency, equal treatment and rotation.
The interested economic operators fulfilling the prescribed requirements can apply for entry in the List, subject to registration and licensing at IVASS’ Procurement Portal (https://portaleappalti.ivass.it). Registration is free and open during the whole period of validity of the List.
Electronic invoicing
The Institute, in accordance with the regulations on electronic invoicing, may no longer accept paper invoices submitted by subjects resident in Italy.
Domestic providers are therefore required to issue electronic invoices through the Interchange System, managed by the Revenue Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate). IVASS Unique Code to be reported in all the electronic invoices is the following: UF3BVP.
System for the payment of VAT
The Decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of 13 July 2017, has established that the administrations concerned by the rules on electronic invoicing shall be subject to the application of the regulations on the “Split Payment”. It follows that, starting from 1 July 2017, under the new system of split payments, IVASS has been required to pay directly to the Italian National Revenue - and not to the providers - the value added tax charged on the invoice.
Indicator of timeliness of payments
IVASS publishes the indicator of its average times for the payment of goods, services and works, called “annual indicator of timeliness of payments” (art. 33 of legislative decree n. 33/2013).
The indicator is published, in relation to each year, in the sub-section PAYMENT of the section “TRASPARENT ADMINISTRATION”.
The annual indicator has been calculated in compliance with the provisions of art. 9 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 22 September 2014 and with the guidelines established in the Circulars of the Ministry of Economy and Finance n. 3 of 14 January 2015 and n. 22 of 22 July 2015.
Last update
17 October 2024
Acquisition programme as per ART. 37 LEGISLATIVE DECREE 36/2023
With reference to the planned acquisition of works, services and goods, the contracting entities shall adopt and publish the three-year programme of acquisitions of goods and services of an estimated unit amount equal to or exceeding 140,000 euro.
- Three-year programme of acquisitions 2024-2026 (only in Italian) pdf 39.6 KB
- Two-year programme of acquisitions 2023-2024 (only in Italian) pdf 244.4 KB
- Two-year programme of acquisitions 2022-2023 (only in Italian) pdf 262.8 KB
- Two-year programme of acquisitions 2020-2021 (only in Italian) pdf 229.5 KB
Annual list (until 2022) of the procedures for selecting the contractor and awarding tenders relating to the acquisition of goods and services (in open standard format), and half-yearly summary sheets of the awards the amount of which is below 40.000 euro (from 2017 to 2020), pursuant to the Regulation on transparency and disclosure of data and information concerning IVASS’ organization and activity.
- Awards for the year 2022 (only in Italian) xml 138.1 KB
- Awards for the year 2021 (only in Italian) xml 140.9 KB
- Awards for the year 2020 - Summary sheet (only in Italian) pdf 70.3 KB
- Awards for the year 2020 (only in Italian) xml 99.6 KB
- Awards for the year 2019 (only in Italian) xml 106.4 KB
- Awards for the year 2019 - Summary sheet (only in Italian) pdf 61.3 KB
- Awards for the year 2018 (only in Italian) xml 160.0 KB
- Awards for the year 2018 - Summary sheet (only in Italian) pdf 60.9 KB
- Awards for the year 2017 xml 124.3 KB
- Awards for the year 2017 - Summary sheet (only in Italian) pdf 61.9 KB
- Awards for the year 2016 xml 171.8 KB
- Awards for the year 2016 - Summary sheet pdf 207.0 KB
- Awards for the year 2015 xml 162.5 KB
- Awards for the year 2015 - Summary sheet pdf 234.8 KB
- Awards for the year 2014 xml 189.9 KB
- Awards for the year 2014 - Summary sheet pdf 234.8 KB