

Public estimator

Preventivass provides a fast and free comparison of the insurance rates for motor liability insurance applied by the insurance companies pursuing business in Italy.

Protect yourself from scams

The section contains useful information on cybersecurity to protect yoursels from online scams, including those implemented through unauthorised sites, and to protect yourself from cyber attacks (cyber risk).

Environmental sustainability and natural catastrophes

Italy is among the European countries most exposed to the risk of natural disasters.
IVASS monitors and analyses the possible repercussions of climate risk on the financial stability of the insurance sector, also participating in working tables dedicated to sustainability in national and international arenas.

Websites of undertakings and intermediaries

The page contains the list of the website of insurance undertakings supervised by IVASS and the list of websites of Italian and foreign intermediaries used to promote or place insurance products


An IVASS project to promote insurance culture. Lots of materials, such as Insurance Guides in Simple Terms or educational notebooks dedicated to the school world. And, even more, informative videos, games, quizzes for a practical and fun experience suitable for all ages.

"Te lo Assicuro!" Podcast for insurance culture

Ten episodes in the world of insurance and policies with Orsetta Borghero and experts from IVASS. Available on all major #podcast platforms.

Regulatory Sandbox

The project, conducted by IVASS in collaboration with the Fintech Committee at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Bank of Italy and CONSOB, will enable operators to test technologically innovative products and services.

The main insurance numbers in Italy

IVASS periodically publishes statistical data on the Italian insurance market, under the section Publications and statistics. Here are summarised the main figures reported in the latest Annual Report.

Financial Guarantees for the Public Administration

The following issues have been identified in the Italian market of financial guarantees: in some cases, financial guarantees and suretyship policies have been issued by subjects not authorised to do so or were subsequently found to be counterfeit...
