Data collection

In this section you can find the instructions provided to insurance undertakings and the forms to be filled in to comply with IVASS' reporting requirements either on an ongoing basis or upon request.

The data collected are summarised, in aggregate form, in the publications included in the sections “Annual Report”, “Statistical Bulletin”, “Statistics” and are at the basis of the supervisory and statistical-economic analyses conducted by IVASS (see section “Working papers” and “Other publications”).

The page also includes the link and some documents concerning the IT procedure for collecting INFOSTAT data.

Last update

12 July 2024

Instructions for filling in the reporting forms

  1. New Infostat survey "MOnitoring Investments" (MOINV) - update (only in Italian) pdf 552.3 KB Notice of 14/06/2024
  2. Launch of the new Infostat survey "investment monitoring" (MOINV) - further details (only in Italian) pdf 125.9 KB Notice of 06/06/2024
  3. Technical instructions for the transmission of the monitoring of investments - survey infostat MOINV (only in Italian) zip 2.5 MB
  4. Technical instructions for the transmission of the consolidated annual financial statements - survey infostat BICON (only in Italian) zip 1.3 MB
  5. Instructions for the electronic transmission on the Infostat platform survey POLDO zip 1.3 MB
  6. Technical instruction for transmission of AML survey zip 5.3 MB
  7. Technical instructions for transmission of group semiannual report via Infostat infrastructure (only in Italian) zip 758.1 KB Updated 15/09/2023
  8. INFOSTAT - REI Undertakings’ Complaints - Instructions and technical document (only in Italian) zip 1.1 MB Letter to the market of 21 June 2022
  9. Instructions for Supervisory Reports on Life Insurance Products (CSVI) (only in Italian) zip 584.6 KB Letter to the market of 20 April 2021
  10. Instructions for Supervisory Reports on Interest Rate Risk (RPSI) (only in Italian) zip 388.9 KB Letter to the market of 20 April 2021
  11. New IT procedure for the electronic transmission of data - conclusion of the operational parallel. Activation survey COPRT (only in Italian) zip 461.8 KB Letter to the market of the 1st of February 2021
  12. User Guide for compiling the "shareholders" and "participations" surveys of RIGA registry (only in Italian) pdf 4.7 MB
  13. New technical instructions for Infostat survey on Segregated Funds (GSFUA, GSFUM, GSFUR) (only in Italian) zip 674.1 KB Letter to the market of 23/09/2020
  14. New IT procedure for the electronic transmission of statistical data - technical instructions for Infostat survey PREST (only in Italian) zip 545.1 KB Letter to the market of 17/06/2020
  15. New IT procedure for the electronic transmission of statistical data - technical instructions for surveys BILIN and BILCO (only in Italian) pdf 64.3 KB
  16. New IT procedure for the electronic transmission of statistical data - operational parallel (only in Italian) zip 797.9 KB Letter to the market of 20/03/2020
  17. Operating instructions for the RIGA – Register of Insurance Undertakings and Groups (only in Italian) pdf 5.3 MB
  18. New IT procedure Register of Insurance Companies and Groups (RIGA) for the management of company data (only in Italian) zip 764.7 KB Letter to the market of 19 February 2020
  19. Letter to the market of 18/12/2018 pdf 212.9 KB Development of a risk based model of supervision over the market conduct of undertakings - use of some data contained in the supervisory reporting for prudential purposes (including QRT) and relevant indications and clarifications
  20. Instructions for the electronic transmission of data for the monthly monitoring of investments and premium income in life business pdf 80.9 KB
  21. Clarifications on how to send the information on assets representing technical provisions pdf 63.3 KB Clarifications on how to send the information on assets representing technical provisions pursuant to article 26 (3) of IVASS Regulation no. 24 of 2016
  22. Operating instructions provided for by IVASS Regulation No. 36 of 28/2/2017 zip 433.8 KB Instructions for undertakings on how to populate and submit the files provided for by IVASS Regulation No. 36
  23. Clarification on how to fill in S.22.01 pdf 184.4 KB Instructions to undertakings for the electronic transmission of the reports envisaged by European legislation
  24. IT instructions provided for by ISVAP Regulation no. 22 of 4/4/2008 zip 269.4 KB Instructions for undertakings on how to populate and submit the files containing balance sheet data
  25. IT instructions on ISVAP Regulation no. 7 of 13/7/2007 zip 467.3 KB Instructions for undertakings on how to populate and submit the files containing balance sheet data and half-yearly (individual and consolidated) IAS-IFRS
  26. IPER Instructions zip 887.4 KB
  27. Clarifications on how to send the information on assets representing technical provisions pdf 162.4 KB
  28. Operating instructions envisaged by Regulation no. 30 of 26/10/2016 (only in Italian) pdf 54.6 KB
  29. Technical instructions for the electronic transmission of financial statements (only in Italian) pdf 57.2 KB
  30. New IT procedure for the electronic transmission of statistical data - operational parallel. Activation survey "SEMRE" - "SEMCO" - "COPRT" zip 678.0 KB Letter to the market of 25 September 2020

Requests for data

  1. "Monitoring of risks from natural catastrophes and sustainability - 2024 survey start" (only in Italian) zip 877.9 KB Letter to the market of 27 July 2022 - Annexes updated at 12 July 2024
  2. Data collection on group health insurance policies sold in Italy (only in Italian) zip 319.2 KB Letter to the market of 9 May 2024
  3. Survey on the insurance coverages for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy (only in Italian) zip 17.0 MB Letter to the market of 5 April 2023
  4. Data collection on group health insurance policies sold in Italy zip 328.1 KB Letter to the market of 30 March 2023
  5. Data collection on group health insurance policies sold in Italy (only in Italian) zip 760.2 KB Letter to the market of 21 February 2022
  6. Survey on the insurance coverages for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy (only in Italian) zip 12.2 MB Letter to the market of 11 February 2022
  7. Survey on the insurance coverages for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy (only in Italian) zip 6.2 MB Letter to the market of 17 February 2021
  8. Data collection on group health insurance policies sold in Italy (only in Italian) zip 315.9 KB Letter to the market of 2 February 2021
  9. Data collection on group health insurance policies sold in Italy zip 339.5 KB Letter to the market of 11/2/2020
  10. Investigation into insurance coverage for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy (only in Italian) zip 11.0 MB Letter to the market of 11 February 2020
  11. Data collection on group health insurance policies sold in Italy (only in Italian) zip 337.0 KB Letter to the market of 2 April 2019
  12. Investigation into insurance coverage for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy (only in Italian) zip 6.3 MB Letter to the market of 11 february 2019
  13. Dormant life assurance policies. New cross-check on tax codes against the Tax Register pdf 98.4 KB
  14. Technical data for motor vehicle liability – Italian direct business - Law of the Sardinia Region no.2 of 4/2/2016 - operating instructions zip 464.6 KB Letter to the market of 3/4/2018
  15. Statistical survey on the insurance covers sold in Italy for healthcare liability zip 5.0 MB
  16. Dormant life policies. Request for the policyholders’ fiscal codes to check deaths zip 351.5 KB Letter to the market of 14/12/2017
  17. Manual for CARD survey pdf 729.4 KB The manual contains operating instructions for collecting information from undertakings that have joined the CARD agreement on gross premiums written exposed to risk and CARDCID claims (Order no. 18/2014 amended by Order no. 43/2016)
  18. Investigation into insurance coverage for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy zip 842.1 KB Letter to the market of 23/2/2017 - Manual for uploading data into Infostat (uploading available as from 10 March 2017)
  19. Thematic review on “dormant” life policies zip 168.2 KB Letter to the market of 8/2/2017
  20. Survey for data collection on fire and/or earthquake policies for houses in Italy PDF 360.9 KB Letter to the Market of 22/11/2016
  21. Letter to the Market of 22/11/2016 - Annex 1 xlsx 23.9 KB
  22. Letter to the Market of 22/11/2016 (FAQ) - Annex 2 pdf 30.3 KB
  23. Manual of medical liability (RMAG) pdf 279.9 KB
  24. Investigation into insurance coverage for medical professional liability – Risks located in Italy pdf 349.4 KB Letter to the market of 10/03/2016
  25. Technical data for motor vehicle liability and liability for ships - Italian direct portfolio zip 1.1 MB Letter to the market of 25/03/2015
  26. Quarterly sample survey on the price development of motor vehicle liability insurance pdf 196.4 KB Letter to the Market of 4/12/2013
  27. Survey on exposure to interest rate risk of life insurance companies pdf 42.2 KB Letter to the market of 30/05/2013


  1. Access to the site for collecting data (External link)
  2. OTP Instructions for Infostat (only in Italian) pdf 297.2 KB New means for authentication for Infostat services by using a One-Time-Password (OTP) in addition to username/password
  3. User's manual pdf 1.1 MB
  4. Accreditation form Solvency II docx 115.9 KB
  5. Registration form for other Surveys docx 55.9 KB This form must be used for the registration in INFOSTAT for Surveys other than Solvency II

Privacy notice

  1. Information on the processing of personal data Supervisory reporting and statistics - anti-fraud activity